Redundancy is never easy. Our range of outplacement packages, delivered by qualified career practitioners, are aimed at easing the stress and trauma caused by redundancy and putting a more positive perspective on the event through strategy, planning and communication. Offering this type of support recognises the contributions of the redundant employee and provides tailored assistance to support career transition whilst also helping to maintain the morale of existing employees and the reputation of the company.
Introductory Package
*recommended for employees with tenure of less than 2 years
Our introductory outplacement package has been developed for employees that have had a relatively short tenure within the organisation and as such, may require less assistance with career planning activities.
Career Transition Package
Our career transition package focusses on providing support, information and tools to develop resilience and greater self-awareness, leading to the ability to successfully negotiate new career paths. We focus on increased self-awareness of personal values, skills, abilities and potential, as well as transferable skills that can open doors to careers that may not yet have been considered.
By better understanding themselves, individuals have an increased awareness of career objectives. We then work on the skills needed for securing their next opportunity, including the preparation of results-driven and tailored application documents, accessing the hidden job market through traditional and online methods and interview coaching.
Customised Outplacement Services
We also tailor programs to suit a budget and offer group training workshops if this is preferred (run over either a half day or a full day).
Contact us today for more information on how we can assist with career and workforce planning or outplacement services.